Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Librarian Tim Recommends Anathem by Neal Stephenson

Wow. What can you really say about a 900+ page coming of age drama/space opera/metaphysical epic that draws from science, philosophy and religion and throws in everything but the kitchen sink? Erasmus is a secular monk on the planet Arbe, where the scientists are kept in monasteries away from the general population that is obsessed with shallow pop culture. But when a worldwide threat emerges, Erasmus has to leave the monastery and embark on an adventure beyond his wildest dreams. Stephenson is a maddeningly detail oriented writer, and the first third of the book moves rather slowly, with the real meat of the story emerging only gradually. As things progress, the narrative picks up speed exponentially, to the point where the story becomes a barreling freight train leaving you slack jawed in its wake. The sheer number of ideas that Stephenson packs in are amazing - quantum mechanics, multiverse theory, advanced philosophy, computer science, physics and chemistry all play a role. Yes, it is daunting, and slow in the early going. But it is more than made up for by a final half of the novel that moves with blazing speed and is rife with well drawn characters. Frustrating and intimidating as it can at times be, this book gets the highest possible recommendation. It will blow your mind. (SF Stephenson, New Books)

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