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A physicist from isolated Anarres travels to the mother planet, Urras, in hopes of dissolving the hatred that exists between them. (Novelist)October 11th @ 7:00 p.m. The Ladies Night Out Book Discussion Group will be reviewing Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher.
Winter solstice--the shortest day of the year--represents darkness and also hope, renewal, and rebirth. Five very different people come together in this setting, ranging in age from teenagers to mid-sixties, each of whom must confront very different challenges or losses. (Novelist)October 21 @ 7:00 p.m. The Science Book Discussion Group will review Ever Since Darwin by Stephen J. Gould.
The author reexamines Darwin's theory in light of the findings of modern evolutionary biology and shows the ways in which biological theories have been concocted to justify social ills. (Novelist)Send comments to: OBPL