This week at the Library
Coffeehouse Game Club: Meet at the Library for the next installment of the popular Board Game Club. The club concentrates on classic board games such as Scrabble, chess and checkers, but community members are welcome to bring in a wide variety of games for people to try. People of all ages are welcome to attend. The library asks that people bring their own games if possible, to make sure everyone has a chance to play and make new friends. The next meeting will be held on June 19 at 1:00 p.m.
Crafting Club: The Old Bridge Public Library Crafting Club meets weekly at the Main Library on Thursday afternoons at 1:00PM. All crafters of any experience or type of craft are welcome to attend. Please call the Library's Reference Desk for more information at 732-721-5600 ext.5033.
Gardening Club: Join us for the next meeting of the Old Bridge Public Library’s Gardening Club! Trade secrets and tips, plan trips to gardening centers and more. Bring your green thumb and ideas for fun and interesting activities and join us! We will be discussing how to remake the Library’s garden and trading plants! The Garden Club will meet on June 16 at 7:00, call the Reference Desk, (732) 721-5600 ext. 5033 for more information.
Mystery Book Discussion Group: The Mystery Book Discussion Group meets once per month to discuss the latest and greatest in Mystery Literature. On June 16 at 7:00 p.m. the group will be discussing the Murder and the First Lady by Elliot Roosevelt. Call Marcy for more info: (732) 721-5600 ext. 5034.
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