This week at the Library:Monday, May 7 through Friday, May 11: Friends of the Old Bridge Public Library Annual Book Sale to Benefit the Programs & Services of the Old Bridge Public Library, during Regular Library Hours.
Monday, May 7:4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Learn Chess @ the Library for Grades 1-6. Beginners and Advanced Players Welcome, no registration required, just drop in and have a blast! If you have a Board, bring it in.For further information, please call the Library's Youth Services Department, at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5028.
Tuesday, May 8: 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Family Storytime For information call, the Library's Youth Services Department, at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5028.
Thursday, May 10: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Savvy Seniors The senior citizens in this group gather in the Library’s large meeting room each month to discuss previously selected topics. Subjects of the discussion may include novels, current events, hobbies, television shows, the best way to lose weight... the list is endless!
1:00 PM - 03:00 PM Craft Club All adult and teen crafters of any experience are welcome to join us weekly at the Central Library. The club meets every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. .A variety of crafts are undertaken with a focus on knitting and crochet.
Friday, May 11:1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Senior Fridays: Retirement Income Strategies, presented by: John T. Pollack & Sorie Knox, New York Life The speakers will talk about social changes affecting retirement today. How inflation, healthcare, market volatility, and living longer may impact your retirement income. Strategies to help you manage your retirement income. Ways to allocate your investments to help reduce risk and maximize return.
Saturday, May 12:10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday Morning Math Club Volunteer tutors are available for SAT prep, homework help, and study assistance...for this math study group for teens in middle and high school. Every Saturday morning, from 10:00am-12:00noon. Please bring your math books, pencils and questions. No registration required. For further information, please call the Adult & Information Services Desk, at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5033
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Family Storytime For information call, the Library's Youth Services Department, at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5028.
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Baseball Author,
Angelo Saverino will give a first-hand account of life as a professional sports agent. Saverino also reminisces about his childhood as a baseball fan and the impact his supportive Sicilian-American family had on his life. Homepage.html For further information, contact the Adult and Information Services desk, at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5033.
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