This Week at the LibraryMonday, June 4
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Teen T-Shirt Program: You are what you wear... make a graphic t-shirt that's all you. Open to teens in grades 6-12. Please bring your own t-shirt! All instruction & supplies for stencil silkscreening are provided by the Printmaking Council of NJ's Roving Press. Call to register: 732-721-5600, ext. 5033
Wednesday, June 6
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Student Art Reception Students from the Carl Sandburg Middle School's 8th Grade Challenge Class will present their latest artwork to the community in the Central Library's Art Gallery. Students in the Challenge Class mix creativity, problem-solving and experimental learning under the tutleage of teacher Paula Eisen. Students wotk in teams, researching a style of art and create artwork based on their students. Light refreshments will be served. For further information, please call: 732-721-5600, ext. 5033.
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Family Storytime No registration required.
Thursday, June 71:00 PM - 3:00 PM Craft Club All adult and teen crafters of any experience are welcome to join us weekly at the Central Library. The club meets every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. A variety of crafts are undertaken with a focus on knitting and crochet.
Friday, June 81:30 PM - 03:00 PM Senior Fridays: Fred Miller, Lectures in Song
Saturday, June 911:00 AM - 11:30 AM Family Storytime
1:30 PM - 03:00 PM Old Bridge Cultural Arts Committee Presents: The Zanzibar Band Join Old Bridge's "House Band" at the library for an afternoon of great American music. Playing all of your favorite music hits, the Zanzibar Band is sure to please all ages. From the hits of the 60's to the songs of today, Zanzibar performs with style and originality. For further information, contact: The Adult & Information Services Desk at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5033. This program has been made possible by the Old Bridge Township Cultural Arts Committee.
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