On Tuesday, June 15 at at 7:00 p.m.,at The Old Bridge Public Library's Central Branch. Enjoy an hour of yoga with Michaela Horvathova that includes 50 minutes of Asana (physical postures) and 10 minutes of relaxation. Pamper yourself to a life impacting exercise which improves your health and longevity. Bring a yoga mat and water, and wear comfortable clothes. This event is open to any adult, no matter what body type, fitness level or ability. This program is FREE and open to the public. No registration required. For further information about this or other library programs, call the Adult & Information Services Department, at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5033.
Pete Trabucco, author of “America’s Top Roller Coasters and Amusement Parks” will give a talk at the Old Bridge Public Library on Saturday, June 12th at 1:30m. A book signing will immediately follow. Roller coaster enthusiast Pete Trabucco takes the reader behind the scenes to the best amusement parks and roller coasters on the planet. With over 300 top roller coasters ridden around the country, he has many a story to tell about roller coasters and their history. This program is FREE and open to the public. No registration required. For further information about library programs, call the Adult & Information Services Department, at: 732-721-5600, ext. 5033.
For more information, please contact Dena.