Our DVD collection is growing every month as feature films, TV series, and film classics are purchased for your pleasure. DVD’s may be borrowed by adult card holders for 3 days at a time. There is a $1.00 charge per item. Instructional DVD’s may be borrowed for 2 weeks at no cost. Films may be reserved and you will be notified when they are ready for you. You may request films that we do not own and we will consider these for possible purchase. Please place your requests at the Adult Services Desk. Some favorite T.V. series on DVD include: the Sopranos, House, 24, Weeds, Six Feet Under, and 30 Rock. Titles coming soon, include: Dexter, Glee, and True Blood. Some new feature films arriving soon are: Back-Up Plan, Invictus, City Island, Ghost Writer, and Single Man. Enjoy your viewing.
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