It seems that there is always an adult telling kids what books are good reading, parents, teachers and of librarians. Did you know that there was a way for kids to tell us what they really like to read? It is called the Garden State Children’s Book Award and it has been around since 1977. The Garden State Teen Book Award dates from 1995. Children from all over New Jersey are invited to read as many of the nominated titles and vote for their favorites. Stuffing the ballot box is not only allowed, it is encouraged. And the kids can vote for as many titles as they want in each category. New Jersey Youth Services librarians (those pesky adults again) create the nomination lists (Easy-Reader, Easy-Reader Series, Fiction [grades 2-5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12], and Non-Fiction [grades 2-5, and grades 6-8]) from the best reviewed titles. Then they step back and let the kids decide. They can vote by ballot or just by checking out the book. All of the 2010 nominated titles are currently on display in either the Children’s Room or the Teen Section of Old Bridge Public Library. Bring your child or pick one up to read yourself. These titles are not for kids only.
Send comments to: Juley