Teen Writers: Get Published! Love to write? Want to improve your craft and learn about new opportunities for teen writers? Teens, grades 6-12, are invited to join the Teen Writing Group, one of the latest additions to the Youth Services department’s ever-expanding programming lineup. Headed by Librarian Lynn Mazur, who has a background in book publishing, the group welcomes all genres and its members share a common goal—to get published! Contests and publishing opportunities are shared and discussed at each meeting, and members are encouraged to pursue opportunities that fit their writing. The members also discuss and practice different brainstorming strategies and writing exercises. Those who are comfortable sharing their work participate in peer review sessions, allowing the aspiring authors to get feedback on their writing. Meetings conclude with free writing sessions, giving the group time to work on whatever projects they want. In addition to attending general meetings, the members of the Teen Writing Group are also working on setting up events, including a Poetry Reading Night, complete with a coffeehouse like atmosphere, and a town-wide writing contest. More information on these events will be available in the coming months. On Friday, July 30th at 7 PM the group will be hosting a Publishing Professionals Panel. Have you ever wondered what kind of work goes into having a book published? This is your opportunity to find out! Book publishing professionals from Simon & Schuster will be talking about their day-to-day responsibilities in the publishing industry and will be available to answer any questions you may have. The dates for our upcoming meetings are as follows: Monday, June 14th at 7 PM; Monday, July 12th at 7 PM; Friday, July 30th at 7 PM (Publishing Professionals Panel); Monday, August 9th at 7 PM; and Monday, August 23rd at 7 PM. Don’t forget to bring a pen and a notepad! Interested in joining the Teen Writing Group’s email list? Email
Lynn for more information or call (732) 721-5600 ext. 5028. (by Youth Services Librarian Lynn Mazur)